Shale oil production processes pdf files

Definition sedimentary rock with a high organic content organic matter is known as kerogen kerogen. How much shale tight oil is produced in the united states. The water that is brought to the surface during the production of oil and gas. A geologic area where hydrocarbon accumulations occur. Shale drilling site in pennsylvania photo helge hansen statoil. Bakken shale process characteristics needed to estimate emissions quantity of gas vented per barrel of oil production mcfbbl fraction of gas flared composition of the vented gas. The status of world oil reserves 3 acknowledgments this essay is an excerpt from a longer monograph titled the status of world oil reserves and implications for the gulf published by the emirates center for strategic studies and research ecssr. Refers to the practice of venting gas produced at oil wells where the well is not connected to a gas sales pipeline may be flared e. Energy information administration eia estimates that in 2019, about 2.

Production patterns in eagle ford shale decline curve. Although the marcellus shale is considered a relatively low water forming shale on a gas production basis 3. Oil shale refers to the sedimentary shale rock that contains oil prone kerogen partially converted fossil organic matter which has not been submitted to enough pressure and temperature over millions of years to release oil gallois, r. As with shale gas, this oil production has a key impact on the. Challenges in shale gas production cannot be resolved by. Put simply, increased shale oil production could lead to oil prices that are significantly lower than projected in current forecasts. Environmental impact of the oil shale industry includes the consideration of issues such as land use, waste management, and water and air pollution caused by the extraction and processing of oil shale. In addition to the recent development of the barnett shale, oil and gas production from other geologic formations and conventional sources in north central texas existed before 1998 and continues to the present time. Studies indicate that the shale gas produced is sufficient to supply a large portion of the heat needed for oil shale retorting. Crude shale oil, shale gas and water are produced from insitu retorts.

Life cycle water consumption and wastewater generation. Jackson school of geosciences, the university of texas at austin, austin, tx in the last 5 years, the eagle ford shale efs play has had a remarkable development in natural gas and oil production. Shale oil extraction is an industrial process for unconventional oil production. In order for oil shale production to be profitable, the industry must overcome technical, environmental, regulatory, and economic obstacles. An unconventional mindset for shale gas surface facilities m. Oil companies produce shale oil by fracturing the rock formations that contain the layers of oil. Wilson fellow in energy studies and director of the energy forum at the baker institute, as well as associate director of the rice energy program. The hydraulic fracturing process was used in conventional limestone and. The status of world oil reserves 4 about the authors amy myers jaffe wallace s. For shale gas, examples include the barnett and marcellus plays. Olmstead abstract in the past decade, innovations in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have fueled a boom in the production of natural gas as well as oil from geological formationsprimarily deep shalesin. Countries with large production fields and large companies can more easily ride price shocks without having. Shale oil is refined in the crude distillation section of the refinery into the primary components of light ends hydrocarbons ranging from c1c4, naphtha, jet fuelkerosene, diesel, gas. It typically consists of water already existing in the formation, but may be mixed with fracturing.

The oil shale sector accounts for 4% of estonian gdp and places estonia among the most energy independent countries of europe. Us3474863a us3474863da us3474863a us 3474863 a us3474863 a us 3474863a us 3474863d a us3474863d a us 3474863da us 3474863 a us3474863 a us 3474863a authority us united states prior art keywords zone oil solvent fluid shale prior art date 19670728 legal status the legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. The authors would like to thank ecssr for sponsoring this research. The oil and gas industry natural resource governance. Oil shale economics deals with the economic feasibility of oil shale extraction and processing. Production from the barnett shale is currently the dominant source of hydrocarbon. A type of unconventional oil found in shale formations. Shale oil currently represents only a small share of total global technically recoverable oil reserves, with around a third located in north america, but it is projected to drive total nonopec versus opec production growth. The differences between oil shale, shale oil, and shale gas. Historical and projected crude oil production by resource type figure b2.

If it does, it would revolutionise global energy markets. Oil shale refers to rock that has kerogen, a precursor to oil, stored in it. This is a systematic presentation of the production and development of the oil shale industry in china. The resultant shale oil is used as fuel oil or upgraded to meet refinery feedstock specifications by adding hydrogen and removing sulfur and nitrogen impurities shale oil extraction is usually. Components and processes impacting production success. United states office of water epa820r16003 environmental protection washington, dc 20460 june 2016 agency technical development document for the effluent. Shale gas exploration and production key issues and responsible business practices guidance note for financiers this guidance note has been produced to assist financial institutions in their internal conversations and decisionmaking with regard to risks and responsible business practices associated with shale gas production.

The impact on energy markets is already significant. The oil and gas industry overview and trends nrgi reader april 2015 this reader is intended for use in conjunction with the natural resource charter. The automobile industry developed at the end of the 19th century, and quickly. Shale oil is a hugely untapped resource that has been mined and processed since the 1800s. Shale oil, for example, can be very costly to produce and may become less commercially viable if prices continue to drop. Environmental impact of the oil shale industry wikipedia. Challenges in shale gas production cannot be resolved by generic environment clearance processes this process poses several challenges concerning energywater nexus, such as mixing of shale fluid with the groundwater, rationing of water in a waterscarce country, and lack of technical knowhow of wastewater treatment. According to the international energy agency, there are about 1 trillion barrels of economically recoverable shale oil resources, compared to 1. Mining and processing of oil shales has particularly challenging consequences because the. Purchase shale oil production processes 1st edition. In addition, the combustion and thermal processing generate waste material, which. Shale oil is a substitute for conventional crude oil.

The term oil shale is commonly used when referring to unconventional oil, but it can be misleading. Technical development document for oil and gas effluent. Oil shale, shale oil and shale gas are all related to these new, unconventional methods of accessing the earths oil and natural gas reserves. Refining what comes out of the ground is not often a form of petroleum that can be used right away. Although usually oil shale economics is understood as shale oil extraction economics, the wider approach evaluates usage of oil shale as whole, including for the oil shale fired power generation and production of byproducts during retorting or shale oil upgrading processes. For production of crude oil trapped in oil bearing shales tight oil, see tight oil. Processing oil shale national oil shale association. Easytoread understand overview of the chemistry, engineering, and technology of shale oil. For it to be the fuel that can go into a car or converted into plastics, it must go through a. Methods which should reduce environmental footprint. The 3rd international oil shale symposium in tallinn pdf. Trends in estonian oil shale utilization 2 introduction extensive use of oil shale is the unique and defining quality of the estonian energy system.

The history of the us shale boom is a story of innovation unleashed. American petroleum institute, freeing up energy hydraulic fracturing. Shale oil production pdf potential for shale oil production to spread globally over the next couple of decades. We argue this trend is not yet over and the next stages of shale innovation. The drilling productivity report uses recent data on the total number of drilling rigs in operation along with estimates of drilling productivity and estimated changes in production from existing oil and natural gas wells to provide. Jan 31, 2020 shale oil is a highquality crude oil that lies between layers of shale rock, impermeable mudstone, or siltstone. Representafion of common equipment at a natural gas hydraulic fracturing drill pad.

Emissions from natural gas production in the barnett shale. The economics of oil shale extraction are an impediment to its commercial production. It may refer to crude oil that is found within shale formations, or to oil that is. Havard devold oil and gas production handbook an introduction. Shale oil production processes 1st edition elsevier. Produced water ltpw from shale and tight oil and gas formations66 figure c5. Responsible shale development enhancing the knowledge base. Components and processes impacting production success from. Shale gas exploration and production key issues and. Conventional oil production has peaked and is now on a terminal, longrun global decline. The crude shale oil produced is a quality that requires less upgrading than oil from most exsitu processes, but recoveries are somewhat less. When new shale gas fields in the us are constrained by the capacity of the existing oil and gas pipeline network, it results in bottlenecks and low prices at the production site.

Baker iii institute for public policy, rice university amy myers jaffe is the wallace s. Hydraulic fracturing commonly referred to as fracking or fracing is often misused as an umbrella term to include all of the steps involved in shale gas production. Oil shale is an organicrich finegrained sedimentary rock containing kerogen a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds from which liquid hydrocarbons can be produced, called shale oil not to be confused with tight oilcrude oil occurring naturally in shales. Tight gas differs from shale gas in that it is trapped in sandstone or limestone, rather than shale formations. Received 10 november 2011 accepted 19 january 2012. World energy outlook, projects that by 2035 several new oil types will replace the loss of nearly onehalf of global conventional oil production. Shale gas formations are unconventional reservoirs i. Surface mining of oil shale deposits causes the usual environmental impacts of openpit mining. Relative to conventional oil, however, the production quantities have been low. This article is about production of synthetic oil from oil shale. A study on the eu oil shale industry viewed in the light. This process converts kerogen in oil shale into shale oil by pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution. The cost of conventional oil varies so much that saudi. The shale oil production can be turned on when demand is high and turned off when demand is low easily and more cost effective than the current conventional oilfield matt egan, 2015.

The industry has never operated at a profitable level, and the sheer size of the. Soon, oil had replaced most other fuels for motorized transport. Shale oil is a highquality crude oil that lies between layers of shale rock, impermeable mudstone, or siltstone. Base production accounts for a material share of total u. Technical development document for the effluent limitations guidelines and. Barium concentrations in uog produced water from shale and tight oil. Responsible shale development enhancing the knowledge. Although usually oil shale economics is understood as shale oil extraction economics, the wider approach evaluates usage of oil shale as whole, including for the oilshalefired power generation and production of byproducts during retorting or shale oil upgrading processes.